1965 Classmates
1965 Classmate information with name and last known address, as well as an email address, if known.
You can either ADD a profile or UPDATE an existing profile If you have changed your email address or have not yet provided an email address , please ADD a new profile, and the duplicate will be eliminated by the web administrator. This is a much easier approach. To ADD a profile, simply follow the easy steps and register To edit your profile please follow these steps: 1) Find your name on the list of Classmates below and click on the "Edit Profile" button that appears to the right of your name. 2) Enter a Username and Password that will be required to edit your profile in the future. (This is for your own personal security so that no one can alter or change your information) *If you see a note that says "send this person a message" next to your name, you will instead be asked to enter your email address and the Username and Password will be sent to you by email. Once you receive the email, proceed to step 3.* 3) Edit or add your information to your profile 4) Click on the Submit button at the bottom of the form to save the changes. Please note that your profile will temporarily be removed the website after your first edit however it will re-appear shortly. If you try to edit your profile more than once you will need to follow the same instructions however you will be asked to enter the Username and Password that you created the first time that you edited your profile. If you forget the username and password, please click on the link that says, "I forgot my username and password." The username and password will only be sent to the email address listed in the profile.